ü Namibia borders South
Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Angola. It has 318,261 Sq. miles, which is a little
more than half of Alaska.
ü Namibia is 5 hours ahead of EST. Their fiscal year
is from April 1st to March 31st.
ü The capital is Windhoek, pronounced Vindhook.
ü Their independence was gained on March 21, 1990.
ü Currency is the Namibian dollar. It is equal to
the South Africa Rand.
ü Natural resources include diamonds, uranium, livestock, and fisheries.
ü Namibia’s official language is English and Afrikaans, but German and ethnic languages are
commonly spoken.
ü Approximately 93% claim Christianity but some traditional religion is still practiced.
ü AIM has been serving in Namibia since 1986.